Facilitate The Learning – Recently I was offered the opportunity to take Facilitate the Learning (Unit Standard 117871). My first reaction was to ask myself why I needed such a course. After all, I am a fully qualified teacher with a BSc and a PGCE, not to mention a lifetime of teaching and lecturing experiences. Now that the course is behind me, I am delighted to say, unequivocally, what a truly rewarding course it proved to be. My knowledge of how to exploit the learning styles of others in my teaching was given a major boost with clear details of the IDC model, followed by the nuances of experiential learning. This was modern and up-to-date and so enjoyable to implement. On the practical teaching side, observing my course colleagues in action and receiving their sharply focused critiques of my approach to facilitating learning, proved to be an uplifting experience. Overall, I wouldn’t have missed this course for anything. If you have the chance, take it. You won’t be sorry.